Community Involvement
Ever since our early college days, community service has been an important part of our lives and careers. The Orange County non-profit community is unique in that the people and programs are very well connected. We have found that there are always great coalitions and networks doing wonderful collaborative work in the community. At this point we look at our community involvement as a way of staying connected with professional friends & giving back to a community that has given us so much as well as working towards a better tomorrow for everyone. We thoroughly enjoy our community service both at the Countywide level as well as in our home city.
Dr. Dallas & Dr. Debra Stout accepting the Kindness Award from the City of Fullerton.
OC 4-H Teen Council
4-H, whose 4 “H’s” stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health is the nations largest youth development organization. There are eleven 4-H Clubs in communities across OC. The Teen Council offers a fun way for teens from all the clubs to meet new people, boost their resume, build their leadership skills, get involved in their communities and plan social activities for 4-H youth. Dr. Dallas Stout was appointed an adult Adviser to the Teen Council in 2021.
Connect OC Coalition
The purpose of Connect OC is to increase accessibility to mental health services for transitional aged youth, young adults (TAY/YA) and their families by providing a platform to connect and network colleges and universities to local community mental health resources. Dr. Dallas Stout joined in 2020 and serves on their inaugural Advisory Board.
Acacia School Foundation
The purpose of the Acacia School Foundation is to raise funds to enhance the educational enrichment and technology programs at Acacia Elementary School, a public school located in the Fullerton School District in Orange County, California. The Stouts became financial donors and supporters of the Foundation in 2014. Dr. Dallas Stout was voted onto the Board of Directors in 2016 and served through 2020.
The Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research (at California State University Fullerton)
The Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research exists to support and encourage the work of Orange County's many charitable organizations as the repository for data about the sector. Helping nonprofits and the entire community to better understand the work of this important sector is our primary mission. Dr. Dallas Stout was appointed to the six person, inaugural Advisory Board in 2015 as one of just two individuals representing non-profit consultants in OC. He served in that capacity through 2018. In 2020, Dr. Debra Stout joined the Advisory Board.
Nonprofit Professional Alumni Association (of California State University Fullerton)
The CSUF Alumni Association's first official chapter, the NPPAA was formed in 1999 by a group of professionals from local nonprofit organizations. Their common goals were to form a professional development network for alumni, and to encourage CSUF students to prepare for and seek out careers in nonprofit and service fields. Dr. Dallas Stout was a very early member of this effort & was appointed President in 2013 for 3 terms (through 2016).
OC Substance Abuse Prevention Network
OCSAPN is the longest-running professional prevention, education, and treatment networking organization in Orange County. The purpose of the Network, founded in 1981, is to promote and enhance the quality, quantity, coordination, and cooperation of positive youth development programs and prevention services in OC. Dr. Dallas Stout is the second longest serving Board Member at over 20 years. He has served in almost every Board capacity including two 3 year terms as Chairman of the Board, Treasurer, Showcase Chair, & Member at Large. Dr. Debra Stout served the Board as Secretary, & Member at Large for several years.
Girl Scouts of OC
Dr. Debra Stout became a Troop leader in 2013 and served for 2 years. Later she became Cookie Booth Coordinator for Service Unit 102 for several years. She also served as one of two Managers for Service Unit 102 and oversaw all Human Resources related issues from 2019-2020. From 2020 to 2022 she served as a Troop Leader again.
Tara’s Chance
Tara’s Chance is dedicated to promoting the physical, cognitive and social well-being of children with special needs. They accomplish this through individualized equine assisted activities and therapies. Dr. Dallas Stout joined their Board of Directors in 2022.
California Chapters of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
The mission of the Brady Campaign is devoted to creating an America free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in our communities. The California Chapters educate and mobilize their communities for sensible gun laws, regulations and public policies at the local, state and national level. In 2009, Dr. Dallas Stout was appointed Vice President. He served as President from 2010 to 2014. He served as Immediate Past President from 2015-2016.
Fullerton Collaborative
A cooperative of executive directors, educators, activists, community service leaders and volunteers dedicated to building and supporting a healthy cohesive community. As an alliance of non-profit organizations and individuals who enjoy making “good things” happen for the community, we are able to provide community assistance where we are needed most. Our unique partnership allows us to help each other accomplish goals. We encourage our members and the Fullerton Community to “think collaboratively. The Stouts are active members. Dr. Debbie Stout became the Executive Director in 2015.
MOMS Club of Fullerton East
MOMS Club international is a non-profit organization with the purpose of providing a support group for mothers and to give them a forum for topics of interest to them. The Fullerton-East MOMS Club offers activities such as park days, playgroups, field trips, crafts, and holiday parties. They meet during the day, and it's a great way to make new friends and get to know your local area. Monthly “Moms Night Out” and “Empty Nesters” programs also provide an opportunity to catch up over coffee or a movie without the children. Our newest program, “HOWL” (Husbands out Working Late), is an early dinner and play date with the kids once a month. Dr. Debbie Stout is a past President and a member.
OC Chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
A group of local concerned citizens working together to enact and enforce sensible gun laws, regulations, and public policies through grassroots activism, electing public officials who support gun laws, and increasing public awareness of gun violence. The Stouts are members and Dr. Dallas Stout served on their Board of Directors from 2010 to 2018.
OC United Way – Community Impact Council
Council members provide the United Way with the expertise, experience, & diversity needed to make a difference in the lives of citizens. The Council addresses a particular set of community outcomes identified within one of the three community impact priorities: Basic Needs, Education, & Financial Stability. Dr. Debbie Stout was appointed in 2008 for a 4 year term.
Woman’s Club of Fullerton
Founded in 1902, the mission of WCOF is to unite women of all ages for community service, supporting charitable organizations, fostering friendship and empowering women through learning about the community around us. Dr. Debbie Stout became a member in 2011 and served in various leadership positions between 2012-2018.
OC Business Council's Latino Educational Attainment Initiative
This program educates OC’s immigrant parents on the skills needed to navigate California’s school system. The Initiative has unified the business and education community to elevate the academic performance of our young people, and in so doing, produce a highly skilled workforce for OC. Dr. Debra Stout has been involved with the initiative since 2015.
OC 4-H
4-H is the largest Positive Youth Development program in the Country. The Stouts joined the “Fullerton Feeders, Breeders, & Seeders 4-H Club” in 2020. In 2022 they were appointed Adult Advisers to the Tri City 4-H Club which covers La Habra, Fullerton & Anaheim.
City of Fullerton Fire Department – Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
A FEMA program to educate citizens about disaster preparedness in their communities and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members assist others in their community or beyond when mobilized to help. Dr. Dallas Stout stepped down from the CERT team at the end of 2019 after 10 years of volunteer service.
Fullerton Police Chief's Community Advisory Committee
Dr. Dallas Stout was appointed to the Board by Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes in 2015. The Advisory Board was created in 2014 to provide Chief Hughes with input on various issues that could include crime trends and department policies and procedures and is the first of its type in the city in 25 years.
Fullerton Police Department Chaplain Program
The FPD calls upon our faith-based community to provide support in the means of clergy who are dedicated to assisting the Police Department on a volunteer basis, providing emotional support and counseling to victims of crimes and their families, as well as Department personnel and their families. Dr. Dallas Stout was appointed an FPD Chaplain in early 2020.
National Eagle Scout Association
NESA is a fellowship of men who have achieved the Eagle Scout rank in the Boy Scouts of America and who desire to use their efforts and influence toward forming the kind of young men America needs for leadership. The objective of NESA is "to serve Eagle Scout and, through them, the entire movement of Scouting." Dr. Dallas Stout is a proud, Lifetime member.
Community Service Programs, Inc. - Project Faiths and Institutions Together for Health
A partnership whose mission is to build bridges of understanding and collaboration among faith-based youth, adult leaders, and prevention providers in Orange County. This is accomplished by building the capacities of Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) to deliver alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention services to their young congregants.
The Summer School for Nonprofits at California State University Fullerton
This annual conference begun in 2005 offers an excellent training and networking opportunity for nonprofits, social enterprises, government agencies, philanthropic foundations, and those socially responsible companies who wish to collaborate with community-benefit organizations. Dr. Stout has volunteered on their Faculty in 2016 and 2017 by co-presenting a popular session titled “Fundraising for New Startup NPOs."
Violence Prevention Coalition of OC
Founded in 1996 to promote the health and wellness of our community by reducing violence. It remains the only countywide affiliation of businesses, community organizations, public and private agencies, and individuals promoting violence prevention through a public health approach in Orange County. Dr. Dallas Stout was a very early member of this effort & together the Stout’s served as Co-Chairs of the Board of Directors from 2002 to 2010. Dr. Debbie Stout continued to serve on their Board of Directors through 2014.