I just wanted to personally thank you for all of your efforts & express what a beneficial discussion you put together with Carol at the 12th annual Summer School for Non Profits. I have never attended anything like that and I wanted to convey to you how grateful I was to be able to be a part of such an academically stimulating event. I really took a wealth of knowledge & applicable information that I believe I can instantaneously use in my nonprofit positions. It is evident that your passion is conveyed through your words & your commitment & effort in your actions in the sector.
— Marcie Stoddard
Development & Marketing Manager, Vital Link OC
I am so impressed by you Dr. Dallas Stout and the amazing work that you do on behalf of the members of your community. Every single person that I met with had the most wonderful things to say about you. I've learned so much about your character and the wonderful company you keep in these past few weeks. There is no way that I could have accomplished all of this without your help. Your relationships got me meetings and offers that would've taken me months to secure. I can't thank you enough.
— Dora Jacildo
Executive Director, South Asian Helpline & Referral Agency (SAHARA)
Dr. Dallas Stout is a consultant & community based supporter with an interest in the stability and environment of students in the Fullerton Joint Union High School District. Dr. Stout offers input at the Project Safe Meetings and collaborates with other organizations to help promote valuable programs to youth in the Fullerton community.
— Tracy Gutierrez
La Sierra High School, Project Safe Coordinator
We have used DoctorS Nonprofit Consulting to keep our website up-to-date for the past several years. They have been very responsive to our requests for additions and revisions, and provide us with ongoing service in this area.
Additionally, Debra and Dallas have both served as voluntary members on our Executive Committee for many years in the positions of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Scholarship Chair, and Member-At-Large. Their thoroughness and follow-through in all assigned tasks have helped to make our coalition stronger and more visible in and outside of Orange County. We feel very fortunate to have such committed, ethical, and knowledgeable individuals work with our organization.
— Linda Kearns
2006-07 Chair, Orange County Substance Abuse Prevention Network
Dr. Dallas Stout's leadership and organizational skills are exactly what any nonprofit effort needs and thrives on. As president of Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association's Nonprofit Professionals chapter, he has had a transformative impact and ushered the chapter into a new phase. Under his tenure he has increased membership, expanded the role of the chapter in the community and on campus, and set personal examples of generosity toward fundraising for the chapter's annual scholarship. He also represents the chapter on the advisory board of the Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research, thereby strengthening the chapter's affiliations with emerging and experienced nonprofit professionals and the campus. We have been so fortunate to have him at the helm these three years, and look forward to a smooth succession plan thanks to his cultivation of new leaders. Can't thank him enough!
— Kathleen Costello
Center for Internships & Community Engagement, California State University Fullerton
What I particularly appreciate about your work is that you take information and statistics that are often separated from day-to-day reality and make them relevant – this is a rare gift. You are a great asset to our team.
— Sister Eileen McNerney
Founder & President Emeritus, Taller San Jose
Our agency had tried working with another firm that specialized in measuring program outcomes for nonprofits. They were quite expensive, took over a year to complete, and the results were unusable. I then employed the services of DoctorS Consulting, and within 3 months I was given a comprehensive report that measured the outcomes of our work precisely and accurately. Our organization has been able to use these reports to show perspective funders the results of our program. I highly recommend DoctorS Consulting; they are inexpensive, professional and extremely accurate.
— Laurie Zagon
Founder/Executive Director, Art & Creativity for Healing Inc.
This was our first venture into "outcome measurements." We knew our program was doing good work and helping elders stay in their own home. Now we can prove it. That is a great help to us in seeking support. This team is the best. They are thorough, care about their work, reliable and smart. We will continue to work with DoctorS Nonprofit Consulting.
— Ret Wixted
Executive Director Community SeniorServ Inc. Helping to maintain independence & well-being
Your excellent press releases and articles have made it possible for our club to be known in and around our community. Your ideas and wisdom have helped our club grow and be organized. Thank you for all you do.
— Norma Ames
President (2012-14), Woman's Club of Fullerton
We chose Dr. Debra Stout for her skills in grant writing and evaluation as well as her enthusiasm for working with the non-profits in our community, I am thrilled to have this opportunity to work with Dr. Stout and continue to nurture the Fullerton Collaborative as it grows.
— Pam Keller
Executive Director, Fullerton Collaborative
I have worked with many non-profits over the years, and created a few from the ground up. I always surround myself with people that have the skills and talents that I don’t have. I am really good working with teens in recovery, but I really suck at business and organizational skills. Drs. Dallas and Debbie Stout have provided our agencies with the structure and organization that I lack. They do all those things so very well, and I can just relax knowing that business is being taken care of. I owe a tremendous depth of gratitude for their guidance and support in helping us create the Early Intervention Team so we can serve the needs of all the teens of Orange County.
— Mike Darnold
Co-Founder, Coastal Mountain Youth Academy Founder, Early Intervention Team
Women Helping Women contracted with DoctorS Nonprofit Consulting to handle our program evaluation for a large grant this year. They have provided excellent, attentive service and follow-through. Debbie & Dallas understand the non-profit world and strive hard to meet the needs of their clients.
— Jeanne Flint
Executive Director, Women Helping Women
Dallas & Debbie have worked behind the scenes with us for a couple of years now. They have helped develop our Board and provided technical assistance on matters such as networking, marketing, public relations, grant writing and fundraising. Most importantly, they have utilized their network of countywide contacts to open doors for us and help make connections that have helped grow our program services. The Stouts genuinely care about what we do as an agency, they attend our community events for the girls, our fundraisers, and even our Board meetings as their time permits.
— Fernando Leon
Founder & Executive Director, La Calle
Please note: In keeping with the American Psychological Association's ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct, none of these opinions or testimonials were obtained from current therapy clients or other persons, who because of their particular circumstances, are vulnerable to undue influence. Also, these testimonials represent individual program experiences and outcomes, your experience will be your own and these testimonials are not intended to guarantee or imply a guarantee of outcomes.